Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We moved to this new world because this world has no pollution and will have a high standard of living. We have also found and old diamond mine of where the old people left behind. There are still some diamonds left and there are not many people on the planet so the diamonds’ will be shared out equally. There are meny animals that will be able to be cort and eaten but will also have to put protectin from biger animals.

We shall nether give up!

No wars shall be fought over minrals or land.
All men must contribute for the big hunt every mounth!
Only 2 babies may be born over 1 couple.
If you find any more diamonds, gold or silver you must report it to the mighty king Cunliffe so he can share it out between the people!
Every person are allowed and rifle (gun) but has to get a license and learn before getting it!
Every man must have a job.
All gobs must have the same pay as every other job!
Same amount of land.
Every house must have electricity. (Every person must have a house!)

The plant shall have a Monarchy (the might king Cunliffe)

Dear ……
Please may you join me to move the …. The plant it have many retches and has a high stranded of living please a think and I can give you a tour
The mighty king Cunliffe.

Day 1: we have just found out that the main predator on this planet is the puma and the planet has decided threat the sacred animal shall be the puma

Day 2: We have just made all of are houses and two people have got married life so far has gone great

Day 3: we have just finished the first great hunt and have curt 2 kudu and 18 spring book!


Tasha said...

Nice blog. I agree with most of the rules and I like the font you've used. All the gadgets have something to do with the blog but the poll doesnt. Overall good blog.

Emma said...

cool blog alex. I like the Pumas! The eyes are really cool!

Catrin John said...

Nice blog Mighty King Cunlif!

Very puma.
Like all the spots and colours, it is very 'mighty'.